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The logo for mountain air comfort systems shows a mountain and trees.

FAQs: Answers to Your HVAC Questions

  • My system isn’t turning on how much will it cost me to have a technician come look at it?

    The diagnostic/trip fee is $120 unless you have a maintenance agreement; then, it is $95. This includes the first hour of the diagnostic; any additional hours needed for the diagnostic will be charged at $75 per hour; once the technician finds the problem, he will discuss the cost of fixing the problem with the homeowner. If the homeowner chooses to have the problem fixed that day, the diagnostic/trip fee will not be charged. If we have to return at a later date to fix the problem, no trip charge will be applied to the second visit if it is scheduled within a week of the original call.

  • I need a new system, what is the cost?

    Due to the unique setup of homes, we need to have a technician do an in-home estimate for any item larger than an AprilAire 700 humidifier. During the estimate, the customer can ask questions and will have the comfort of knowing they are getting exactly what they need for their home.  Please call the office or request an appointment to get on the schedule.

  • I need a new system, but I can’t afford it. What should I do?

    We know that our ACs and Furnaces tend to break at the most inopportune times. We offer financing through GreenSky and Wells Fargo, subject to approved credit. Click here to learn more about financing.

  • Do you offer emergency services?

    We offer emergency service at an additional charge to our warranty customers and Peak Program customers. Our normal operational hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. For more information on becoming a Peak Program customer, please click here

  • Do you offer any discounts?

    We offer EITHER a 5% military discount, a 5% senior discount, or a 15% Peak Program discount on all service calls. Any discounts for installations will be listed on your personalized estimate. 

  • How often should I change my filter?

    It is recommended that any standard 1” furnace filter should be changed once a month. These filters can be found at your local hardware store or through Mountain Air. A media filter should be changed 1-2 times a year depending on conditions. Humidifier pads or canisters should also be changed yearly and can be purchased from Mountain Air Comfort Systems. 

  • Why am I given a time window instead of a specific time?

    Due to the nature of the service industry, we are unable to know beforehand how long a call may take. If a unit needs to be fixed, it could take our technicians anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours or more. In order to fix problems on the same day as much as possible, we need to offer a window of time for the technician to arrive. Our technicians call the number you provide when they are on their way, so you usually get at least a 30-minute heads-up before they arrive.

  • I smell gas. How soon can a technician get here?

    If you smell gas, leave your house and call your gas utility company immediately. They have emergency response teams for that situation. If needed, call Mountain Air Comfort Systems for further service.  

  • Can someone help me with a technical question?

    While we appreciate that you are trying to troubleshoot a problem on your system, we can only recommend that you schedule a service call for liability reasons. Please refer to our Helpful Hints page for some essential items to check before you schedule an appointment. 

  • What brand of equipment do you install?

    Our trained technicians will evaluate your specific needs and make recommendations based on the best solution. 

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